Viewing posts from September, 2014
Update Bash if you are running OpenVPN
Posted by: admin 10 years, 5 months ago
You can see the details about the attack. All of the OpenVPN tutorials we have done use "auth-user-pass-verify" on the client side to get the client to prompt for a username and password. The exploit can be delivered as part of the username. And it is before authentication.
Obligitory Shellshock post
Posted by: admin 10 years, 5 months ago
We are pretty confident that WiKID is not affected by the Bash security vulnerability. That being said, there should be no harm in running 'yum update bash' or even 'yum update' on your WiKID server.
Moving beyond tutorials
Posted by: admin 10 years, 5 months ago
We've written a lot of tutorials over the years. Some here, some at howtoforge and even NetworkWorld. We've always believed that it's a great way to contribute to the community, spread awareness and make it easier for admins to secure their remote access services.
Keeping vendors out of AD
Posted by: admin 10 years, 5 months ago
We often prattle on about the benefits of having your directory perform authorization, either via NPS for AD or Freeradius for LDAP. Certainly, for employees where HR can manage users in AD, that makes a lot of sense. Single step disablement. A recent customer signed on with the opposite needs. They have non-employees who access their infrastructure remotely via Bomgar and they do not want those users in their directory.
On the effectiveness of two-factor authentication
Posted by: admin 10 years, 6 months ago
1. It has to be on.
Recent Posts
- Blast-RADIUS attack
- The latest WiKID version includes an SBOM
- WiKID 6 is released!
- Log4j CVE-2021-44228
- Questions about 2FA for AD admins
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