Posted by:
16 years, 1 month ago
Today we announced a new pricing program for home users: pay what you want. This variable payment plan for home users is based on the recent bands that have tested this system (Radiohead and NIN). But the trigger was also the free for home use offer for SSL-Explorer>. I have, of course, seen a lot of free for home use enterprise software and we may yet go there. But I also believe that this should be an interesting experiment.
My feeling is that the market for Enterprise-class two-factor authentication for the home is pretty small. Remember that the only current difference between the open source Community version and the Enterprise is the wireless token clients for J2ME, Blackberry and SmartPhone/Windows Mobile and support for radius. Yet, I still think this is worth the effort (which is pretty minimal :).
- Anyone that wants two-factor authentication for their home is a super-geek and is proablaby an influencer of such decisions at work.
- Anyone who is such a geek appreciates price discrimination as a strategy.
- Anyone who chooses the Enterprise version for home use must really appreciate the differences between the Community and Enterprise version and is therefore getting value.
- Supporting such uber-users should be fairly easy - and it should make our support systems all the better.
The base price is $10/year. To pay more, please just add more $10 items to the cart. Payment is via Google.
I don't have a prediction for sales. I have extremely low-expecations on volume, but higher expectations on affect.
And no, this isn't an April Fool's joke :). For that you can go here.
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