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WiKID is significantly less expensive than other forms of two-factor authentication for most user populations. It is important to include *all* the costs involved in deploying and maintain a two-factor deployment.

Below is a comparison of the cost of deploying WiKID two-factor authentication vs the cost of deploying key fobs with a 3 year life span to 500 employees. WiKID is 59.46% less expensive to deploy for 500 users. Note that if you compare WiKID to three year tokens over 6 years, the savings explode. Plus, WiKID is perfect for customer, vendor or partner-facing applications. The more users, the bigger the savings.

Upfront Costs Per Year Cost Per Employee Per Year

3 Year Key Fobs

Number of users 500

Number of Years 3

Cost per 3 Year Token $63.00 $21.00 $21.00
Total Token Cost $31,500.00 $10,500.00

Key Fob Authentication Server Cost $5,500.00 $1,833.33 $3.67
Server Maintenance @ 20% per year $3,300.00 $1,100.00 $2.20
Server Hardware $1,100.00

Token Distribution & Validation cost (in scale) $15.00 $5.00 $5.00
Total Upfront Distribution $7,500.00

Total Costs for Key Fobs $48,900.00

WiKID Systems

WiKID Server Appliance $9,500.00 $2,375.00 $4.75
Seat License and Maintenance Fees (with pre-pay discount) $25,200.00 $8,400.00 $16.80
Total Costs for WiKID $34,700.00




$5,158.33 $10.32
Saving as a percentage


Other Potential Savings and Benefits in choosing WiKID

If you lose a hardware token, you have to buy a new one and distribute it to the right person. You are out another $65-80. With WiKID, there is no financial hit when you lose a client, just download another one and use the automated initial validation process without even calling the helpdesk!

Moreover, WiKID can be used to reset a LAN password, a frequent and costly event. Because we include this capability in the WiKID server for free, if each user used WiKID to reset a password just once a year, the system pays for itself! Many firms can't afford a 24x7 helpdesk, so WiKID provides a 24x7 password reset solution.

Additional Savings Potential
Per Year Cost Per User per Year

For each token that is lost over the 3 years: $78.00 $26.00 $0.05
Assuming 25 tokens are lost over the 3 years: $1,950.00 $650.00 $1.30

For each password reset by WiKID instead of helpdesk: $30.00 $10.00 $0.06
Assuming 1 password reset each year for 3 years $15,000.00 $5,000.00 $10.00

Total Potential Additional Savings $16,950.00 $5,650.00 $11.30

Total Savings $37,583.33

How many password resets until Break-even? 1156.67 385.56 0.77

Prices are subject to change.


Copyright © WiKID Systems, Inc. 2025 | Two-factor Authentication