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Download our network clients here. The WiKID server handles Radius, LDAP and TACACS+ through the WiKIDAdmin web interface. This code is for custom web applications that might require two-factor authentication. In addition to logins, the API can be used to create applications to manage users - for self-service or customer service applications. Users can be registered, enabled, disabled deleted etc.

For complete documentation, see our API manual. It has lists of all the transactions.

The best option is to see the API in action in the example.jsp page on your WiKID server itself. 


wClient-4.2.0.jar wClient-4.2.0.jar - WiKID Java API implementation and examples for 4.x. To run the example on a WiKID server, use this command: java -cp wClient-4.2.0.jar:/opt/WiKID/lib/jdom.jar:/opt/WiKID/lib/xstream-1.2.jar:/opt/WiKID/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar com.wikidsystems.client.Example 8388 your_cert.p12 yourpassphrase /opt/WiKID/private/CACertStore changeit


Build a two-factor enabled application using the latest Ruby Gem for the WiKID API.


wClient-PHP-3.0-5.tar.gz wClient-PHP-3.0-5.tar.gz - WiKID PHP implementation and examples for 3.0 (tar.gz). This is the latest code.

WiKID-SugarCRM_3.5 implementation (zip). This needs updating. If you interested in integrating WiKID with SugarCRM or any other application for that matter, please Contact Us.


Updated dll file for the WiKID Strong Authentication Server for ASP, VB, .net, C# and C++ Windows applications. You should still be able to ASP scripts below as examples of ASP/IIS application with two-factor authentication, but you will need to use the dll in this package.

Update:Problems have been reported using the old ASP scripts with the new C# dll. The dll has been recompiled to support access via COM and is available here. The ASP scripts still need updating.

WiKID-ASP examples and the 1.0 dll (zip).

ASP scripts to validate new users based on their Active Directory credentials

Python WiKID-Python implementation and examples. Updated. Users can now be registered into groups. WiKIDAuthPlugin is a Plone PAS plugin that once installed in the user folder will enable WiKID two-factor authentication for your Plone site.



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